I think music stations on cable and online are great because I find bands who are not played on local radion stations. Late one night while painting minatures for gaming (saving this for another blog) some music from the band White Wizzard (WW) played on the heavy music cable station. I just glanced at the TV to see the name of the group and figured they must have been a little known band from the 1980's since I had not heard of them and they had an "older" sound.
After doing some research I found out WW is a fairly new group. Their first album, "White Wizzard" was released by Earache Records in 2008, quickly followed up by the release of "High Speed GTO" in 2009. These two albums are basically identical, but the song order is re-arranged in their second release. In 2010 they released another album "Over the Top", with a new lead singer, Wyatt "Screaming Demon" Anderson. I was anxious to find these CDs to listen to the full experience of this band.
I finally came across a copy of "Over the Top" at Cheapo Records, as I could not find their CDs at any of my usual places. Out of the great metal bands they remind me the most of Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, but they do have their own unique style (and really, no one can replicate those two classic bands). WW's strengths are their lead singer and lead guitar riffs, which are the two things I like most about 80's metal. "Screaming Demon" lives up to his nickname on most tracks, as the lead guitarist, Erik Kluiber, thrashes along. The lyrics are fairly simple, but I'm okay with this, as I can at least understand the words compared to some of the modern groups I enjoy listening too.
Overall I enjoyed the "Over the Top" album. There is a consistent sound throughout most of the songs, except "Iron Goddess of Vengeance." This song has more instrumentals and is a little lighter than the others. I am really looking forward to music from this band. My hopes are they can continue to put out the same type of sound they have captured on this album, while improving as well.

If you want a good laugh check out their video for "Over the Top" (see link below). Once again they follow the 80's path with a cheesy video, including a wizard (what a surprise), ladies, and bad acting.