With every good geek event or hobby there is almost always a few good snacks to be eaten. Here are a few of mine....what are yours?
Doritos - My fascination with these chips began in high school while playing board and card games with my friends. At that time Nacho Cheese was one of the few flavors and remains my favorite to this day. I am careful eating these while game playing though, as they can leave a lasting cheese imprint on game pieces and cards.
Cheez-Its: White Cheddar - Coming in a close second to Doritos would be these little snack crackers. The extra white cheddar flavoring makes them far superior to the regular cheddar in my opinion. I enjoy these while playing Dungeons & Dragons.
Red Vines Licorice - These are great snacks for any geek occasion. No mess and fairly portable. If you do not realize it, they can also be used as a straw to add cherry flavor to your favorite pop/soda.
Oreos: Double Stuf - A little messier than the other snacks I've mentioned. I usually eat these when I'm taking a break from the geek action.
You have been given a probationary suspension of 2 weeks for not including Funyuns or Mountain Dew.
ReplyDeleteI will try to do better next time oh great one.