March 2, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Feb. 28, 2011

Well, it's time for me to take a couple more pot shots at the stuff I've experienced since last I vomited my opinion all over these virtual pages...

...on second thought...  im going to apply this week's GBU (Good/Bad/Ugly) to three things I think are pretty cool.

Hang on to your seat Rob'ry...  your about to watch a Marvel-ite commit heresy


DC Universe Online: 
(Sony Online Entertainment)
Platforms:  PC, PS3

I've had an itch.  A MMORPG itch.  For me there hasn't been a real remedy for my condition.

In my opinion, World of Warcraft is nothing more than a power gamers play ground.  There have been times when I've been tempted back to WoW but inevitably I can shriug that off as I remember playing for days an never really advancing.. 

Then there was the rumor about a generic hero MMO, but that never made it past beta.

Then comes DC Universe Onlline.  I went out and bought a PS3 when I realized Microsoft would never be able to provide this title.

I'll just say, I am really enjoying the game inspite of not really adoring any of the iconic characters in the DC realm.  They play a part so they are prevalent, but I don't mind them.

The graphics are nice and the customization for the classes is pretty deep.  I actually really enjoy the feel of the entire realm...   All city, the environments don't really get old, and I really enjoy zooming through the streets.  Instances and portions of some levels take place in 'interior levels.'  It is also very satisfying to fight DC Villians and Heroes.  So far my favorite battle has been Scarecrow, though Bain and Giganta were tough.

If your a fan of DC or super heroes,  I would recommend this game even with the $10 monthly fee.

Publisher:  Boom! Studios
Writer:  Mark Waid
Artist: Peter Krause
April 2009 - Present
This is a a great comic about a Superman - level hero (Plutonian) that is so alienated and icon-ized that he eventually snaps and lashes out at the humans of earth.  The first several issues deal with the Plutonian as he hunts down the members of his former super hero team.

Admittedly Im not much of a superman fan.
I've always been a marvel zombie because of the ability
to root for a character I could identify with...  but since
seeing the abomination that was the last Superman
movie, I really have wondered how someone like Superman
would react to real world issues.

Waid's writing isn't actually blockbuster here, but the
thought he has put into how a scourned god-like being
would react to hostile neighbors is well thought out.
There are some truly despicable things that the Plutonian
does and the title conveys the abject fear through to the
This book is about something so bad, it's good.
The UGLY  
Dead Island Trailer
Publisher: Deep Silver / Techland

Take a look at the following.
It's a trailer for an upcoming video game.
I'm not sure the game will be good, to the contrary, I think it might not amount to much, but this...  this is cinematography + zombies at their finest.   Possible 3 of the best minutes of zombie cannon ever.  Try not to get choked up pussies.


  1. Wow. That was literally the best Zombie movie I've ever seen. I'm not even being snarky.

    Nice review of DCUO, Ry. Nice graphic, too (Power Girl...yum). I tried playing it a bit myself, buy my computer's CPU is too slow, and I really have enough distractions as it is. So what kind of character did you make?

  2. Well, I have about 6 of them. The one I have played the most is Shivver. She's a Hero with Cryogenic powers and uses a big hammer. (In the game, you basically pick a power (2 sides to each power... the other side of cryogenic is Storms) then a weapon, then a travel power.... I picked super speed.

    I did see another pler with flight and a bow that was kicking a lot of butt...

  3. Ryno, have you seen the new version of Gamma World. We played a short event a few weeks ago, and my 9 year old loved it.

  4. Can you create a low flying midget? If so, im in!

  5. I always loved Gamma World, but could never get anyone to play. For some reason, I've always been intrigued by anthromorphs. I always wanted to play something out of the ordinary... a snake or hedgehog, porcupine, etc.

  6. @Jeff: Uhm... not really... you could do a flying person that looks like a kid... Three have been times I've seen people come close to looking like midgets.
